Agency Information



As a member agency of the Food Bank of Northern Indiana, pantries, soup kitchens and shelters can be efficient and effective in providing nutritional food to those in need of food assistance. For a complete list of Food Bank of Northern Indiana agency members, please click here (link to our list of member agencies) or contact United Way’s 2-1-1 for a list of agencies providing food assistance.

Benefits for member agencies of the Food Bank:

  • Access to a variety of the warehouse supply and inventory of foods and essentials provided in the Food Bank’s warehouse.
  • Varieties of fresh produce, meat and bread available daily.
  • Assurance of food safety and proper inspection of product.
  • Opportunity to order product in online with inventory updated in “real time” on the product inventory list.
  • Access to the Agency Shopping Area in the warehouse to attain smaller orders and individual need items.
  • Technical assistance, advice and support in all aspects of operations of a hunger relief program.

The Food Bank of Northern Indiana is responsible for the distribution of USDA commodities under The Emergency Food Assistance Program in our six-county service area. We work with the Indiana State Department of Health to distribute healthy pantry staples, fresh meat and produce to selected agencies, where it is provided to clients. If your agency is interested in learning more about TEFAP, please contact the Food Bank at (574) 232.9986 ext. 137. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 

Online Ordering:

Only agency members are allowed to shop at the Food Bank. Member agencies are allowed to shop at the Food Bank one time per week. Appointments are scheduled in ½ hour increments.

The Food Bank has implement Primarius Web Window as its online ordering system. This system enables agencies to order in “real time” and when it’s convenient for the agency, which may not take place during a typical work day. Photos are available of product as well as quantities available to purchase. In addition, agencies can schedule their own pick-up and delivery times. An added bonus to this online program is agency members can view statistics, including the number of households and individuals they serve and pounds of food distributed.

Interested in Becoming a Food Bank Member Agency?

Contact Brandy Love, agency relations director, at (574) 232.9986 ext. 137 or   for agency member requirements or view an agency application here: Agency Application 2018.pdf.

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